It's not what you think! - Part One
Suddenly, a trip to New York City was on my calendar. Holy Spirit arranged the timing. How do I know?
In the middle of extreme gas prices and higher than normal air fares, I sat in front of my computer screen at the airline's website and miraculously watched the $545-635 fares change to $235! Yes. Really. It really happened.
I could not believe my eyes. I heard Holy Spirit whisper, "Jump on it"! Slightly panicked that the fares would change again before I completed my transaction, I did, I jumped on a fare and a flight to the Big Apple.
My friends had been inviting me to come visit for 5 months, but I usually don't "make a move" unless I'm fairly sure God is in the mix. Especially where travel to a new geography is concerned.
I was waiting. I was watching. And one morning I woke up with a strange sense that something had shifted, or was in the very moment of shifting, about my calendar; I decided to pay attention.
All morning, I had a sensation that something was going on. I felt moved to investigate air fares and with a sinking heart came to the conclusion that while I felt the "okay" from Heaven had come about this desired trip, maybe my timing was off. I looked at airfares in that very week to about 2 months in the future.

After about an hour of searching, and with a deep sigh, I surrendered the whole timing back to Holy Spirit. But I kept pursuing the website a little longer. Why? Because every time I stopped pursuing it, I felt that I should pursue it. Even though it made NO logical sense at all. It was a beautiful mysterious mix of strange thoughts and spiritual sensations.
Did you know that sometimes that is exactly how God is speaking to you? Through strange thoughts and spiritual sensations! Have you become familiar with this process? Do you recognize the signs of the process more quicky each time?
You have a sense that something is going on...and something IS going on... it's just not in the physical 3-dimensional world you "normally" live from, it's in the unseen realm, it's in the spiritual. We are learning to live from this unseen realm more and more... and believe me, it takes some experimentation and practice.
I've just returned from a great 6-night stay in New York City where I visited friends whom I dearly love. It was my very first time to NYC. It will not be my last. I learned so much. I learned about me, about God, about His emotion, and about the place of humanity right there in the center of His love.
God can talk to you about anything when you are listening.
There is no stopping the nuances of Truth He can share individually right to the center of your own heart... and belief system. He does, however, ask one thing... He needs your heart to be open to consider what He is going to say to your spirit. That's all.
Sometimes what keeps us from hearing God is our preconceived ideas and what we've been taught. (Example: Travel is expensive now. NYC is evil.)
Are you willing to unlearn some things?

A surrendered heart (the place where your belief is lodged) is like an open door and is the place where He will reveal new insight. This is the threshold of the miraculous.
The adventure of it can be crazy but it will expand your soul toward rest.
And that... is what God is going for! He wants to expand the expression of your soul's rest with spiritual understanding. Your spirit will be delighted with this process. Your human spirit can't wait for your soul to know what your spirit knows!
And your soul actually hungers for this. Your heart is the container of what you believe-- what you believe comes from the experiences of your soul AND spirit. The heart listens to which one is louder (more present) or more frequently in use.
When your soul finally feels touched by God's insight, however, your human spirit just received a refreshing too... because your spirit is now happily operating in its design! And the door of your heart swung open to allow that to happen.
Your spirit watched the entire process of your soul's expanding experience of getting insight, by being first not second. Your human spirit is the conduit, the pipeline, of God's insight.
Your soul is equally pleased because it just had an experience with rest by being second, not first.
You can then say, "My spirit knows a thing, my spirit has received a spiritual knowing and has communicated it to my soul and my soul can rest in what my spirit knows."
The soul is learning to trust the spirit.
Involvement of your whole self, through perfect design, in order to gain understanding...that is you and your ability.
In other words, from second place the soul learned something. It learned that it can "breathe" and rest. This is what the experience of spiritual revelation can do for the soul.
But that's not actually what New York City taught me!
Wow... plot twist!
That's what I was reminded about along the way... but to hear what New York City taught me, please stay tuned!
Tomorrow's post is being composed today. New York City taught me a lot.
Become who you are becoming!
Because from that moment on you will terrify the enemy! of your soul.
Waiting expectantly for Part 2. Great! 😍
You are a marvel. This is BRILLIANT. there is so much to unpack here, I’ve gotta reread it a few times.🖤🗽